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An analysis of small and big worms dangerous to humans

There are two kinds of worms dangerous to humans: the small ones (very intelligent) and the big ones (very ferocious). It seems there is a third class, the gigantic ones, but we will talk about them later.

Small worms measure less than 2 feet. They are probably extraterrestrial in origin, but they came to earth millennia ago, settling first in Egypt. They live inside human hosts, taking control of the body and nullifying the mind of the host.

However, in a strange act of kindness, the small worms provide great physical strength to the body of their unwilling hosts. Those bodies also acquire new regenerative and self-healing capabilities.

Unfortunately, it seems most of these worms are evil. Their goal is to conquer as many cities, planets, and galaxies as possible, destroying their enemies during that process. They are very intelligent, able to build powerful weapons. It seems they are somehow connected to the origin of myths.

If they are not inside a human host, they live in underground ponds, in caves deep below the ground, where they reproduce. They can live for centuries and perhaps even millennia.  

When the body of the host deteriorates beyond any possible “repair,” the small worms move to another host, but they keep all the memories of each of their previous hosts.

Small worms are seldom seen outside their hosts. Their presence is easily detected because they change the voice and the luminosity of the eyes of their human host.

Let’s talk now about big worms. They are very ancient and live in desert zones, including the Southwest, northern Mexico, and Mongolia. Some people say these worms live inside huge underground caverns and they stay there undisturbed until an earthquake or oil or gas exploration bring them to the surface.

These worms measure from dozens of feet to dozens of yards. They act only by instinct. They detect their prey following the vibrations the prey creates when going from one place to another. Their follow their prey and just eat it.

In some cases, big worms emit psychotropic substances to change the mind-states of their prey, so the prey believes nothing is happening and is safe, while in reality the unlucky prey is being slowly digested by a big worm. But in most cases, the big worms just eat their prey without any mercy.

Some people say there are also gigantic worms, measuring hundreds of yards in length and being dozens of feet tall. One giant worm can cause great havoc. A group of them acting together could destroy a city or defeat an army. However, they have not been detected on earth and it seems their presence is highly beneficial. (Sources: Stargate SG1, Star Trek DS9, Sanctuary, Dune, Tremors)

Note: It is alarming to discover that “science fiction” –as seen in the example above– is sometimes more logical and coherent than the discourses and explanations offered by politicians, educators, and preachers. Perhaps reality is the true fiction. Perhaps only the worms have the answers.

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