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Project Vision 21

Transforming lives, renewing minds, cocreating the future

These words, from the Spanish philosopher Pablo López Alvarez (Complutense University of Madrid) reflect exactly what we feel and think about our philosophical work:

"Philosophical discourse must be committed to the distribution of epistemic tools among citizens. Offering philosophical content capable of being understood by a population without prior specific training is a desirable cultural function, which should not undermine that theory also manages to tune in with the malaise and daily anxieties of common people.

"Faced with the usual orientation of dissemination spaces, focused on offering the public signs of cultural and social distinction, we consider that the transfer of philosophical knowledge should be directed essentially at people who need instruments that help them decide in the field of affective, labor or political relationships.

"Transferring knowledge implies committing to the effective transformation of the vital frameworks of subaltern subjects, systematically marginalized and despised for not responding to the profile of the "high culture" consumer." (Emphasis added)