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Blog posts March 2020

Refusing to see reality does not transform reality: it just hides it

"This is not happening," a friend told me emphatically and full of confidence a few days ago. "This" obviously refers to the global crisis that now affects humanity. But what is not so obvious is what does that mean of "…is not happening", because all the evidence indicates that the crisis, whatever…

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Negarse a ver la realidad no transforma la realidad: sólo la oculta

“Esto no está sucediendo”, me dijo con todo énfasis y lleno de confianza un amigo hace muy pocos días. “Esto”, obviamente, se refiere a la crisis global que ahora aqueja a la humanidad. Pero lo que no resulta tan obvio es qué significa eso de “No está sucediendo”, porque toda la evidenci…

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Refusing to see reality does not transform reality: it just hides it

"This is not happening," a friend told me emphatically and full of confidence a few days ago. "This" obviously refers to the global crisis that now affects humanity. But what is not so obvious is what does that mean of "…is not happening", because all the evidence indicates that the crisis, whatev…

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La verdadera crisis es una crisis de madurez personal y colectiva

Seamos honestos: vivimos en una sociedad inmadura. No es nada nuevo: Milan Kundera ya lo proclamaba hace décadas en La Insoportable Levedad del Ser y Heráclito ya lo lamentaba hace milenios, como lo atestiguan sus fragmentarios escritos. 

Pero a esa inmadurez propia de una especie relativamente…

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The real crisis is a crisis of personal and collective maturity

Let's be honest: we live in an immature society. It is nothing new: Milan Kundera already proclaimed it decades ago in The Unbearable Lightness of Being and Heraclitus already lamented it more than two millennia ago, as his fragmentary writings attest.

To the immaturity typical of a relatively ne…

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A reduced world of sophisticated science and devalued magic

That little “black mirror” that we have almost constantly in our hands, in front of our eyes, or close to our ears, far from being just an innocent smartphone is, in fact, a world reducer. Every time we use it our world becomes smaller and smaller and, because the reduction is associated with forget…

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A reduced world of sophisticated science and devalued magic

That little “black mirror” that we have almost constantly in our hands, in front of our eyes, or close to our ears, far from being just an innocent smartphone is, in fact, a world reducer. Every time we use it our world becomes smaller and smaller and, because the reduction is associated with fo…

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Un mundo empequeñecido de ciencia sofisticada y magia devaluada

Ese pequeño “espejo negro” que tenemos casi constantemente en nuestras manos, o frente a nuestros ojos, o pegado a nuestros oídos, lejos de ser un teléfono inteligente es, en realidad, un reductor de mundos. Cada vez que lo usamos nuestro mundo se vuelve más y más pequeño y. como el empequeñecim…

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¿Cuántas absurdidades podemos tolerar en un solo día?

Recientemente se hizo una actualización en mi computadora y poco después apareció en la pantalla este mensaje: “Tienes una nueva notificación”. Abrí entonces el mensaje y lo leí: “Tu computadora no está configurada para recibir notificaciones”. Y literalmente no supe qué hacer.…

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How many absurdities can we tolerate in a single day?

Recently an update was made on my computer and soon after a message appeared on the screen: "You have a new notification." Then, I opened the message and read it: "Your computer is not configured to receive notifications." And I literally didn't know what to do.

Let's analyze the issue step by st…

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10 blog posts