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Blog posts August 2020

It is all our fault for not listening to the wise people or to history

In the context of the pandemic, health professionals repeatedly expressed their advice about how to avoid new infections and stay healthy both mentally and physically in the middle of a quarantine and an uncertainty future that affects us all, sometimes in unexpected ways.

Among those professiona…

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It is all our fault for not listening to the wise people or to history

In the context of the pandemic, health professionals repeatedly expressed their advice about how to avoid new infections and stay healthy both mentally and physically in the middle of a quarantine and an uncertainty future that affects us all, sometimes in unexpected ways.

Among those professionals …

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La culpa es nuestra por no escuchar ni a los sabios ni a la historia

En el contexto de la pandemia, profesionales de salud expresan una y otra vez sus consejos para evitar nuevos contagios y para mantenerse saludable tanto mental como físicamente en el marco de una cuarentena y de una incertidumbre que, querámoslo o no, nos afectan a todos nosotros a veces de maneras…

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Many prepare for life, but then they never take the first step

In recent walks through a park near my house that offers trails between forests and streams, on several occasions I saw families and groups of people perfectly prepared for the walk, but then, for different reasons, they did not even take the first step. Many people live life that way.

In one cas…

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Muchos se preparan para la vida, pero luego nunca dan ni el primer paso

En recientes caminatas por un parque cerca de mi casa que ofrece senderos entre bosques y arroyos, me encontré en varias ocasiones con familias y grupos de personas perfectamente preparadas para la caminata, pero que luego, por distintas razones, no dieron ni siquiera el primer paso. Muchos viven la…

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What we do not see or know may be what is deeply important

We know what The Little Prince taught: The essential is invisible to the eyes. But from knowing that truth to living and practicing it there is a great distance that, due to its size, leads us to accept as “essential” things that are not and does not allow us to see the fundamental and truly essen…

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Lo que no vemos ni sabemos puede ser lo verdaderamente importante

Ya sabemos lo que enseñaba El Principito: Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos. Pero de saber esa verdad a vivirla y practicarla existe una gran distancia que, por su tamaño, nos lleva a aceptar como esenciales cosas que no lo son y no nos permite ver los fundamentos y las fuentes verdaderamente esen…

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Is the Solar System a living and evolving being?

A recent image released by NASA shows that the Solar System, when the magnetic field generated by the Sun and solar winds are taken into account, looks like a creature in gestation, something that has not gone unnoticed by those who argue that the System Solar is part of a living and evolving univer…

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Is the Solar System a living and evolving being?

A recent image released by NASA shows that the Solar System, when the magnetic field generated by the Sun and solar winds are taken into account, looks like a creature in gestation, something that has not gone unnoticed by those who argue that the System Solar is part of a living and evolving univer…

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¿Es el Sistema Solar un ser vivo y en evolución?

Una reciente imagen difundida por la NASA muestra que el Sistema Solar, cuando se tiene en cuenta el campo magnético generado por el Sol y los vientos solares, luce como una criatura en gestación, algo que no ha pasado desapercibido para aquellos que sostienen que el Sistema Solar es parte de un uni…

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How much longer, God, how much longer?

Years ago, when my children were young, we went with the family on a trip to the mountains. On the way there, my children frequently repeated a single question: How much longer before we get there? And at the end of the day, on the way home, they again repeated the same question. It is the question …

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How much longer, God, how much longer?

Years ago, when my children were young, we went with the family on a trip to the mountains. On the way there, my children frequently repeated a single question: How much longer before we get there? And at the end of the day, on the way home, they again repeated the same question. It is the question …

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“¿Hasta cuándo, Dios? ¿Hasta cuándo?”

Hace años, cuando mis hijos eran pequeños, fuimos con la familia de excursión a las montañas. En el camino de ida, mis hijos repitieron con frecuencia una sola pregunta: ¿Cuánto falta para llegar? Y al final del día, regresando hacia la casa, nuevamente repitieron la misma pregunta: ¿Cuánto falta?…

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13 blog posts