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When we lose the ability to dialogue, we lose everything

I recently read the story of a California attorney who reported corruption cases to the office of certain District Attorney. In response, the accused prosecutor told the if he attorney that if he (the attorney) did not like the profession, he should resign and pursue something else.

That's one of the countless examples that we can no longer even have a decent, adult conversation. We have lost the ability to dialogue, that is, the ability to connect through reason and speech. By the way, that’s the etymology of “dialog”: connecting through (dia) what is already connecting us (logos). 

In the example just mentioned, the central theme of the complaint was the corruption of a prosecutor and not the ability or desire of a lawyer to continue his/her profession. However, in a move that reveals all disdain for understanding and truth, the issue went from corruption to the “inability” of the complainant, questioning his/her credibility and motives.

But that same disdain for dialogue is seen at all levels of communication. In the place where I live (Denver metropolitan area) fireworks are prohibited for private use, that is, they can only be used by professionals. However, like everything in life, people still buy and use fireworks.

Obviously, what for some is "fun", for others it is a great annoyance, especially if the noises and explosions are repeated night after night and too close to their own home.

A few days ago, neighbor posted a message on the neighborhood social network asking those who launch fireworks without authorization that, if they don't want to think about their neighbors, at least think about the impact the explosions have on pets, especially dogs.

In response, one of the people responsible for illegally launching the fireworks said, "If you don't know how to take care of your dogs, then don't have dogs."

Once again: the topic of the conversation was not the ability of a person for taking care of their dogs, but the fact that someone, by not complying with the current municipal ordinances, caused problems for their neighbors and for the pets in the neighborhood.

But, instead of assuming personal responsibility for the results of his actions, the inconsiderate individual preferred to “lecture” anyone who asked him to reconsider his actions, as if verbally attacking other people exempted him from his responsibilities.

The examples could be multiplied because, as we have already said, we have lost the capacity for dialogue, including internal dialogue. But then the question arises: when someone responds in such a disconnected and aggressive way as in the examples mentioned, is it done deliberately or perhaps out of ignorance? (I don’t think there are any other options.)

If it is a deliberate and calculated act to "harm" the other person, that is ethically unacceptable and highly destructive. And if an act of ignorance, then we are faced with an existential reality that brings us to the brink of the abyss: there is no future if we do not understand each other.



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