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Project Vision 21

Transforming lives, renewing minds, cocreating the future

When the future is no longer a continuation of the past, you must think the future. We have the tools to help you, yours, and your team to connect with the best future version of yourself and to bring that version into the present, thus changing your life and the lives of those around you. 

I (Francisco) offer consulting services focusing on community outreach and, more specifically, on
intergenerational, multicultural, multi-ethnic outreach during large projects (highway
constructions, long-term plans for a city, statewide issues (hunger, for example), and
similar issues)

Unique Visits




February 10, 2025 (Weekly Commentary #1100)

The Limits of My Library Are the Limits of My World

Just as libraries house the collected knowledge of humanity, our personal “libraries”—whether physical books, digital resources, or ideas we engage with—shape how we perceive reality. If we stop seeking knowledge, we risk shrinking our world to only what we already know.

Read and hear here the complete commentary (500 words, about 4 minutes of reading/listening time).

Adaptive Humanism: Read our paper here, published by the Journal of Awareness-Based Systems Change. The paper focuses on how to transform limiting narratives into quantum narratives to co-create a new future. 

Let's begin co-creating a new future!

Let's agree that we live at a time when the future is no longer a continuation of the past and, therefore, everything we know and everything we have is obsolete or it will soon be obsolete. For that reason, the only "thing" we can take into the new future is ourselves. 

Our multidisciplinary approach (education, philosophy, humanities, spirituality), and our knowledge and experience in education and businesses, as well as our toolbox of techniques (Theory of U, photo-elicitation, guided self-discovery, and others) allows us to prepare minds and hearts, either individually or as a group, to become part of the new future, without forgetting about the past or neglecting the present. 

We strive to create long-term, always evolving relationships with our customers. Those relationships are a key element of the business because our main service is to connect people with people in a meaningful and creative way, and that begins with our customers.


"You remember the past. You live the present. You think the future"

Enrique Santin (1924-2022)

Image courtesy Dr. Claudia Gross


What do we bring to the conversation? An open mind, and open heart, and an open will (hands). (Theory of U: Awareness-based theory of change)